Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine's Day: A Guide for the Single Person

I know it's not Valentine's Day yet, but I thought I would get this out the door early so that all you single people know exactly what to do tomorrow.

That sacred, special bond you share with the person you are in love with is almost definitely the most beautiful thing in existence. But, by the same token, a Ferrari is almost definitely the most beautiful car in existence. Would you walk everywhere just because you couldn't get a Ferrari? Of course not. That would be absurd. So just because you don't/can't have the most beautiful thing in existence, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't have something beautiful.

Here are some things that are beautiful and readily available*:

  1. Sunsets

  2. Rainbows

  3. The beautiful and intricate patterns produced by a Spirograph™

These have some extra benefits, as well. Consider someone taking their significant other out for a date on Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day, so flowers are an absolute necessity. That will put you back about $50-$60. Chocolates (in a heart shaped box) will put you back another $20+. Then comes dinner. At a fancy, romantic restaurant, dinner will not be cheap. And if you're the type of person who pays for your date's meal (and you'd better be), then that will come to another $70-$80 minimum. This single date alone will cost you $140-$160. And then you have to consider the continued expenses of being in a relationship.

Sunsets are free and you can see one every evening. Rainbows are free and you can see one every time it rains. Amazon tells me that you can get a Deluxe Spirograph™ for $8.99 US. This is a small, one-time fee, and the Spirograph™ will give you beautiful patterns forever.

"But Dr. Science, can't people in relationships enjoy sunsets and rainbows and Spirographs as well as I can? Can't they even do it together?"

Yes, they can. But that doesn't diminish your enjoyment of it any less! And the only way that people in a relationship could enjoy a Spirograph™ would be if someone were dating someone with a Spirograph™. And let's be realistic here, they're not.

So in conclusion, just because you don't have that someone special to share your life with, you still have something! So chin up, and keep reaching for that rainbow!

*If you live so far North or South so as to experience 24 hours of darkness, or 24 hours of light, then it's doubtful you'll be able to see a sunset (or rainbows) very often. In this case, I recommend the beauty of igloos and aurora borealis.


Anonymous said...

I want a spirograph :'( I'm so lonely!

Dr. Science said...

I kindly provided the link to the page to buy a Spirograph™. You can get one there. Better hurry up! Last time I checked the page there were only a few in stock!