Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hello, Mr. Jackass? There's a nice quiet library right over there.

I've been spending a great deal of time at the university lately. I have a big research report due tomorrow, and I've had to be studying for various exams--all the usual university fun stuff. Usually I have a break at noon, and I'm feeling a little hungry, so I decide to go over to the food court to grab a bite to eat. Noon is a popular time to eat. I understand this. I fully expect there to be few empty tables. Usually it's not a problem because after a few moments one will become available. If not, I can always retreat to some other deserted area of the campus and eat there.

What really gets to me are people who take an entire table (sometimes a table that can seat four people) to do homework. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be allowed to study or work in the food court. If you get some food, you have every right to read or work while you eat it. But when the tables are in short supply as it is, it makes no sense for anyone to be using one just for homework when people with food can't find a place to sit and eat. It makes even less sense when you consider that the building directly adjacent to the food court is the library, which has five entire floors of enforcedly quiet study space. Why would anyone want to study in the noisy food court, anyway? You can hardly hear yourself think.

Basically what I'm saying is that you have the right to take up an entire table when not eating, I have the right to stand directly behind you, read over your shoulder, and chew loudly with my mouth open while I do so. Got a problem with that? Then go to the library!

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