Thursday, June 28, 2007

Why aren't cats considered manly?

I really do not understand why cats are not considered manly. Dogs, instead, are man's best friend, while cats are seen more as a pet for a girl or woman. It is my opinion that not only are cats not a less manly pet than dogs, but that they are, in fact, more manly. Here are several reasons why:

  • To pet, play, or interact with a cat in any capacity is to risk personal harm. Not just bodily harm, from scratches and bites, but also emotional/reputational harm from being injured by a small, furry animal.
  • Cats are cold-blooded killers. What part of massacring a cute little canary with your bare hands doesn't scream "manly"?
  • Cats don't take any shit from anyone. They're not going to be bullied or bossed around. They will stand up for themselves (unlike wimpy dogs)!
  • Who's the king of the jungle? That's right, A CAT.
  • Cats are easily amused and love to explore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amen brotha! i always knew i had the manlier pet. pookie is ALL man