Friday, December 7, 2007

The weirdest good luck charm EVER.

A friend of mine once commented that an exam "raped her ass so badly she should have brought lube." Since then, whenever we have a difficult exam coming up, one of us will often ask the other "Bringing lube?"

I had an abstract algebra final this morning. It's a notoriously difficult course. I called my friend while studying, and after talking about the material for a bit I asked her if she was gonna "bring the lube." She laughed and said she was--that she had a couple of packets and she could bring one for me if I wanted. I laughed and said "Sure!" and thought nothing more of it.

When my friend came into the exam room this morning and sat next to me, sure enough she produced a packet of "Liquid Personal Lubricant." I nearly died.

Coincidentally (or was it?), the exam went fantastically. So I'm taking this to the rest of my exams. It's my new good luck charm!

Don't mind the weird guy in the corner with the lube hanging out of his pocket.

He's not up to anything.

He's not a creep.


Blogged with Flock

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Dr. Science doesn't always have good timing.

I ran into a friend of mine yesterday for the first time in weeks. She was in a class with me, but that wasn't really working out for her, so she dropped the course.

She was teasing me because that course's final is this Saturday morning.

Friend: "Are you excited for your final on Saturday?"
Dr. Science: "Gah, hell no. Finals on a Saturday morning are the worst thing in the world."

Is was then that I noticed I was standing next to a Breast Cancer charity booth.


I can only imagine the glare I got. I decided not to make eye contact.

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I'm testing out Flock, the "social web browser."

It integrates Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, Youtube, Flickr, etc, allowing you to see updates, upload media, create new blog entries (I'm using its editor right now!), etc.

So far my most indispensable Firefox addons work (AdBlock and StumbleUpon), and others do as well I'm sure.

Ch-ch-check it out!

Blogged with Flock